Torresi Occupations
Just a few of the occupations we've run across while going over the records. Grazie to my favorite cugino, Florindo Cirignano for explaining the subtle, and not so subtle differences between them.
Agricoltore - Farmer
Agrimensore - Surveyor
Archiprete - Archpriest
Barbiere - Barber
Beccamorti - Grave Digger; Undertaker
Benestante - Well-to-do
Bottegaio - Shopkeeper
Bracciale; Bracciante - Farm Hand
Brigadiere - Brigadier
Calzolaio - Shoemaker
Chierico - Clergyman
Chirurgo - Surgeon
Contadino - Campagnuolo; Campese - Peasant Farmer
Cucitrice - Seamstress
Detenuto - Prisoner
Diacono - Deacon
Donna di Casa - Housewife
Dottor; Dottore; Medico - Doctor, Physician, also Doctor of Law
Esorcista - Exorcist
Fabbricatore - Fabbricante; Fabbro - Iron Worker
Falegname - Carpenter
Farmacista - Chimico - Pharmacist
Fatigatore - Day Farm Labor
Ferraio; Ferraro - Blacksmith
Flebotomo - Phlebotomist
Fondachiare - Draper, drapery shop
Fornaio - Fornaro - Baker
Garzone - Hired Household Help
Gentildonna - High Maintenance Housewife
Giudice a Contratti - Censale; Negoziante - Contract Judge, Broker, Middleman
Levatrice - Ostetrice - Obstetrice - Midwife
Locandiere - Inn Keeper
Macellaio - Butcher
Mannese - Cuts down forests; lumberjack
Marmorino - Marble Worker
Massaro - Farm Manager
Medico Chirurgo - Medical Surgeon
Mercante - Merchant
Molinaio; Molinaro - Miller
Muratore - Brick Layer
Notaio - Notaro - Notary
Novizio - Novice; Apprentice
Nutrice - Wet Nurse
Ortolano - Fruit Vendor
Patrocinatore - Defense Lawyer
Pastore - Shepherd
Proprietario; Possidente - Land Owner
Sacerdote - Priest
Sacristano - Sagristano - Sacristan
Sarto; Sartore - Tailor
Scalpellino - Sculptor; Stone Mason
Scribante - Scribe
Segatore - Sawyer
Serva - Hired Servant
Spazzino - Street Cleaner, Garbage Collector
Speziale di Medicina - Apothecary Medicine
Tessitrice - Weaver
Venditore di Vino - Wine Seller
Viaticale - Water Carrier; Carter; Hauler
Zampognaro - Bagpipe Player
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