
19 February 2010

About The Blog ...

Blog Owner: Carm Cefalo

Born and raised on Cape Cod, MA, now residing in South Florida.

Began tracing my family tree based in Torre le Nocelle, Avellino, Campania, Italy at seventeen. By age twenty, had been knocked unconscious many times by proverbial skeletons falling from the closet and decided to give it a break. After a recovery period of five or so years, came back at it with a vengeance.

Yes ... it's become an obsession... and it's been quite a ride. Along the way I have uncovered what appear to be numerous “irregularities” - some might say potential scandals - but it's not my goal to judge. I've also identified well-known artists, musicians and doctors, as well as many ordinary folks whose main feat was survival ... NOT an easy task in their day. Nope ... these ancestors of mine were not perfect, but they were a hard-working, passionate lot ... and I have a fierce love for each and every one of them.

Along the way (and through the amazing technology of recent years) I've met some incredible cousins in the U.S. and around the world ... and for this I am most grateful. A special thank you to cugina Maria Carolina from Boston, who always keeps me laughing, helps untie all the family knots that threaten to strangle me, and is the backup assistant editor of "our" little blog (although she might not know it yet).

Another really, really big thank you to cugino Florindo in Torre - who is more like a brother than a cousin - and without whose help I could never have made sense of any of these records.  Florindo is the webmaster of the official site of Torre le Nocelle, and consultant to our blog.  The man is a veritable walking encyclopedia of all things Torresi.  There isn't a thing that goes on (or has happened in the last five hundred years) in that comune he doesn't know about.  (Plus he makes a mean pasta with mushrooms!) Hopefully by the time I move to Torre, Flo you won't be too tired of me to teach me which end of the olive tree gets planted up.

About The Blog:

I'm in the process of transcribing the Atti di Stato Civile (Civil Acts) for the comune of Torre le Nocelle, Avellino, Italia for the years covering 1809 - 1899.

I've tried to transcribe the records exactly as I see them. Information either illegible or later confirmed to be incorrect has been put in parentheses.

As this research sometimes draws us into the neighboring comunes of Montemiletto and Pietradefusi, I've included some of those records here as well.

The intent of this blog is to share genealogical information with other Torre researchers. Initially I began with only my direct ancestors. I soon realized, however, that EVERYONE was related to one degree or another and decided it would be easier to document the genealogy of the town as a whole.

If you are just beginning your family history quest and feel you have might have ancestors from Torre or adjacent villages, drop me an email. I have traced almost every line in Torre back to the early to mid 1600's ... some a little further. And although my historical data is strong, my knowledge of what happened to the families after they hit American soil is lacking. If you have information, family stories, photographs, etc. regarding your particular line you'd like to share ... I'd love to post them!

Enjoy the blog!

 Lia Cirignano (left), Carm Cefalo (right), Florindo Cirignano (front)
March 2007


  1. Carm:
    I am a Todesca and my Great Grandafather was Gennaro married to Carmella Pettrillo.That is as far back as I have gone.I am now retired and living in Western Massachusetts .I am trying to get better in my research.

    We are related to Cefalos.As I understand it, Gennaro's brother Carmen had a daughter Rose Todesca who married Carmanucci Cefalo.

    My father kept in touch with those Cefalos and I have been in contact with Andrea Cefalo several years ago.

    Any help you can give me would be appreciated.

    I visite Torre le Nocelle about 10 years ago but did not learn much because I do not speak Italian.

  2. This blog is a wealth of information and is so easy to read. What a great find!

  3. This is great! I am looking for Cassano & DeMinico ancestry...the last link I have is my great great grandfather Giorgio Cassano 1860-1945 and my great great grandmother his wife Maria Carmina DiOrio. I am also interested in learning more about my great grandmother Emilia DeMinico's (b 1894) ancestors.

  4. @Angela
    Hi Angela,
    Do you know if Giorgio was a nickname for your gg-grandfather?

    I have a Maria Carmina di Iorio born 1872, but she's married to Carmine Cassano (also born in 1872).

    Could these be your gg-grandparents?


  5. I am not sure, what i know about my great grandfather Emilio is he was born 1892 and died 1975, he emigrated to the US i believe before WW2. I dont know if Giorgio was a nickname, i guess its possible...thanks for your help!

  6. So what i am looking for is my Great Grandfather Emilio Cassano's parents and his siblings I dont know their names and dates etc.... Emilio Cassano born in Torre Le Nocelle August 25, 1892, Died Boston, MA May 7, 1975. Any help would be wonderful!
    Thanks! :-)

  7. @Angela

    Hi Angela,

    You'll find a blog post on Emilio's parents here:


  8. Ciao Carm!
    I am just starting to do some research and found your blog. My grandmother was Philomena Cefalo (Miazga). Her parents were Carmine and Emilia Cefalo. I know that they were from outside of Naples. I wanted to know if I'm on the right track. I found Emilia Cefalo ( born in 1879. Thanks for such a thorough and interesting blog.


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