
09 May 2010

Ship Manifest: SS Konig Albert - 8 July 1908 - Napoli to New York

SS Konigan Albert 1899-1915

SS Konig Albert Manifest
Napoli to New York 
16 June - 8 July 1908

Donata Ardolino traveled to America on board the Konig Albert at the ripe old age of seventy-four.  Although I have no clue what she actually looked like, my imagination tells me she was one of those short, squat, tough old birds dressed all in black and wearing sensible shoes ... the kind of gal that didn't take any lip.  What woman without such a personality would take on a long,  grueling trip at that age?

Donata was born in Torre le Nocelle on 30 September 1832 to Emanuele Ciriaco Ardolino (a sculptor) and Maria Rosa de Minico.  She married Carmine de Cristofaro (a shoemaker) on 7 April 1862 in Torre.  The couple had five children: Biaggio Giovanni Emanuele (1863), Flaminio (1866), Flaminia (1869), Emilia (1871), and  Maria Grazia (1873).

Below is her two-page 1908 Konig Albert manifest.

 Line Three: Ardolino, Donata, age 74, widowed, farm laborer, $20, previously in the States between 1900 - 1906*, closest relative in Torre le Nocelle was her friend Achille Bevilacqua and she was heading to her son Emanuele de Cristofaro at 115 Salem St. in Boston, MA.  Donata stood all of 5'1" high, with brown eyes and gray hair.  There is a notation that she appears to be suffering signs of senility.

*Donata's previous trip to the States was on 16 September 1896 - on the Werra.

SS Konig Albert manifest - page one

SS Konig Albert manifest - page one

Below is a photo of one of the luxury cabins on the Konig Albert.  Wouldn't it be nice to think of our tough little Donata traveling in style ... as opposed to steerage class?  Nah ... she probably would have been angry with her children for wasting money on such an extravagance.

Search Massachusetts Naturalization Records At Footnote

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