
13 June 2010

Research Request: Pietro Luigi Luongo and Luigia Cefalo

From B. Coppola:

"My grandfather John Luongo came to US from Torre le Nocelle early 1900's. his parents were Pietro Luigi and Luise (Cefalo) Luongo...his parents were Emidio and Consolata (Trodella) Luongo. siblings there are
Anthony b 1890
Emilia b 1892
John b 1893 my grandfather
Mary Grace b 1895
Julia b 1897
Angelo b 1900
Laura b 1902
Ersillia b 1905
Amorose b 1909
Louis b 1919"

Hello, B. Coppola!

I'm happy to say we have quite a bit of information on your family line. Your grandfather and my grandmother (Carmela Cefalo b.1908) were fifth cousins!

Your Giovanni Luongo was born 30 August 1893 in Torre.  Below is a photo of the original birth act. (click to enlarge)

1893 Birth Act of Giovanni (John) Luongo.

#41 Filed 31 Agosto 1893
Name: Giovanni Luongo
Birth: 30 Agosto 1893 ad ore 6:10 P.M., nella casa posta in Contrada Cirignano
Father: Luigi Luongo, 33, contadino
Mother: Luisa Cefalo, sua legittima moglie (Luigia's name seems to bounce back and forth between Luisa and Luigia.)

Below is the birth act of John's father, Pietro Luigi Luongo.

1861 Birth Act of Pietro Luigi Luongo

It looks like Pietro Luigi was the first baby of the New Year:

#1 Filed 1 Gennaio 1861
Name: Pietro Luigi Luongo
Birth: 1 Gennaio 1861 ad ore otto
Baptism: 1 Gennaio 1861
Father: Emidio Luongo fu Nicola, 50, contadino
Mother: Consolata Trodella, 38
Witness: Antonio Luongo, contadino
Witness: Carmine Giardiello
Sindaco: Pasquale Petriello

And here are a couple of pedigree charts that show Pietro Luigi's paternal line.  The first chart starts with Pietro Luigi and follows back to his great-grandfather Domenico Regolo Luongo.  The second chart starts with Domenico Regolo and follows back to his great-grandfather Ottavio Luongo.

Pedigree Chart of Pietro Luigi Luongo born 1861.

Pedigree Chart of Domenico Regolo Luongo born 1749.

And the birth act of Luigia Cefalo, wife of Pietro Luigi Luongo:

1870 Birth Act of Luigia Cefalo - page one

1870 Birth Act of Luigia Cefalo - page two

#41 Filed 6 Sept 1870
Name: Luigia Cefalo
Birth: 5 Sept 1870 ad ore due della sera, nella casa posta in Contrada Grifi
Father: Gennaro Cefalo fu Antonio, 40, proprietario
Mother: Nicoletta Musto, sua moglie
Witness: Angelo dello Iacono fu Bernardo, 40, contadino
Witness: Romualdo Cefalo fu Antonio, 36, proprietario
Sindaco: Angelo Rotondi

Here's a pedigree chart for Luigia:

Pedigree Chart of Luigia Cefalo

And the marriage record of Pietro Luigi and Luigia Cefalo:

1887 Marriage Act of Pietro Luigi Luongo to Luigia Cefalo.

#7 Filed 24 Marzo 1887
Sposo: Pietro Luigi Luongo, 26, possidente, nato e residente in Torre le Nocelle, figlio del fu Emidio Luongo e Consolata Trodella.
Sposa: Luigia Cefalo, 16, contadina, figlia di Gennaro Cefalo e Nicoletta Musto.
Witness: Saverio Cefalo, 40, bracciale
Witness: Domenico de Minico, 46, bracciale
Sindaco: Clemente Penna

I'm showing a total of ten children for Pietro Luigi and Luigia.  I don't have anything on their last son Luis (b. 1919), but here's a bit of info on the others... which seems to agree with what you've shared:

1. Giovanni Luongo born 1 July 1888 and died 3 July 1892.

2. Antonio Luongo born 4 December 1890.  Antonio married Giulia Luongo (her parents were Carmine and Maria Amalia Laura Iarrobino) of Torre about 1912 and they had at least one son, Ciriaco, born about 1914.

3. Emilia Luongo born 3 March 1892.

4. Maria Grazia Luongo born 11 July 1895.

5. Giulia Luongo born 28 December 1897.

6. Angelo Luongo born 1900.

7. Laura Luongo born 1902.  Laura was confirmed 1918 in Montefusco and her Godmother was Concetta Colella.

8. Ersilia Luongo born 1905.  Erisilia was confirmed 1912 in Montemiletto and her Godmother was Amalia de Pasquale.

9. Amorosa Luongo born 1909.  Amorosa was also confirmed in Montemiletto in 1912 and her Godmother was Maria Carmina Capobianco.

Now... back to your grandfather Giovanni.  He left Naples on board the SS America on 11 February 1910, arriving at the port of Boston on 25 February 1910.  Below is the ship and two page manifest which says:

Line 24: Luongo, Giovanni, age 17, single, from "Nocelle" (where he no longer has relatives), $10, no previous travel, going to brother Antonio Luongo at 12 Florence St. in Winchester MA.

SS America 

SS America Manifest 25 February 1910 - page one

SS America Manifest 25 February 1910 - page two

His Petition for Naturalization was filed on 7 October 1921 and approved on  1 May 1922.

1921 Petition For Naturalization - Giovanni Luongo.

And last, but not least ... the Boston Marriage Index that shows the 1913 marriage of Giovanni to Rosa Pesca.  Interesting to note that on the line just below Giovanni and Rosa appears the marriage of Emidio Luongo to Carmela Paolucci.  Giovanni and Emidio were actually half-third cousins.

1913 Boston Marriage Index


~ Carm


Barb just sent me this great photo of  Giovanni (John) Luongo (center) with his two beautiful daughters on their wedding day. Alvira Luongo is on the left and Louise Luongo on the right.  Thank you for sharing this with us Barb!

Search Massachusetts Naturalization Records At Footnote


  1. Wow, that is so great! I have been focusing mostly on my Norwegian side because the records are available for free and all online. I still have to learn about finding my ancestors in Italy because it is more complicated. My ancestors are from Palagonia, Sicily and the city of Catania in Sicily. I have looked through some records in the LDS Family History librabry, but I haven't tried really hard yet to look for more. I am fluent in Italian and can write letters, but I guess I keep thinking it will be unusual to get a response... but then again I should try anyway. Anyway, good work. Let me know if you have any good advice. Best, Astrid.

  2. Hi Carm,
    thank you so much for all the wonderful information...i do have a picture of him at my mom's wedding i will need to get a scanner so i can share it with you. I knew my grandfather was young when he came here, they said 16, but i guess it was 14 and 17...he must of had some family already here..hmmm..thanks again
    blessings to you

  3. @barb
    Hi Barb,
    You're very welcome! I adore photos, so will look forward to finally being able to put a face to Giovanni. I'll dig around a bit to see if I can find his original ship manifest to send you.

  4. @Astrid
    Hi Astrid,
    You've done a tremendous job on your Norwegian lines! If the LDS has records for your Sicilian comune, it's probably easiest to start with them. I've had luck writing to the archives in Avellino ... but have waited up to two years for a response from some of the smaller comunes.

  5. some now about Giulia Luongo died in Bogotá Colombia in August of 1757, and relations with Lacorazza or Stella famiy.

    Juan Pablo Lacorazza

  6. Sorry, Giulia Luongodied in 1957


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