
19 August 2010

Petition For Naturalization: Ciriaco Fiore de Cristofaro (1881)

Naturalization Index

Ciriaco Fiore de Cristofaro was born 2 May 1881 in Torre le Nocelle to Pietro Paolo Marzio de Cristofaro and Emilia Froncillo.  He married Angelina Sarni on 5 June 1905 in Boston, MA.

Petition for Naturalization #74149
Filed: 4 June 1924 in Boston MA
Name: Ciriaco de Cristofaro
Residence: 24 Sheafe St. Boston MA
Occupation: Stone Cutter
Birth: 24 May 1881 in Avellino, Italy
Emigration: Cambroman - Napoli to Boston - 6 April 1901
Declaration of Intention: #67448 Filed 6 July 1917 in Boston MA

Spouse: Angelina, born 18 May 1883 in Italy, resides in Boston.
Children: (All born and reside in Boston)
Emilio, born 26 April 1906
Angelina, born 11 June 1908
Giuseppe, born 19 March 1910
Louisa, born 18 September 1912
Ciriaco, born 22 January 1914
Maria, born 11 October 1916
Marzio, born 22 September 1914
Raffaele, born 26 August 1920

Witness: William A. Monchella, real estate, Boston
Witness: Nicholas Cefalo, engraver, Boston
Date of Admission: 8 December 1924 in Boston MA
Certificate #: 2042693

1917 Declaration of Intention

1924 Petition for Naturalization


  1. The surname of the witness William Anthony Monchella may be a typo in the original document. Coincidently, my great aunt, Alfonsina Ardolino, was the wife of William Anthony Moschella, who was in the real estate business.

  2. @BeardedManInAHat

    Good catch! I wondered about the spelling on that one too, as I've seen William Moschella as witness to a couple of other petitions.


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