
08 August 2010

Petition For Naturalization: Nicola Cirignano (1896)

Petition for Nauralization - Nicola Cirignano

This little gem was found at Nicola is the third cousin once-removed of our beloved cugino Florindo :-)

Petition For Naturalization #11128
Filed: 2 November 1928 in Boston MA
Name: Nicola Cirignano
Residence: 89 Swanton Ave., Winchester MA
Occupation: Leather Worker
Birth: 22 November 1896 in Torre le Nocelle, Avellino, Italy
Declaration of Intention: #153948 filed 29 March 1924 in Boston MA
Emigration: President Wilson - Napoli to New York - 1 October 1923
Wife: Angelina, born and resides in Italy
Daughter: Mariangela, born 16 January 1921 in Italy, resides in Italy
Son: Ciriaco, born 16 March 1923 in Italy, resides in Italy
Witness: Giovanni Evangelista, leather worker, Winchester
Witness: Ralph Vozzella, leather worker, Winchester
Date of Admission: 18 February 1929
Certificate of Naturalization: #2938677

Nicola Cirignano was born in Torre le Nocelle on 22 November 1896 to Gennaro Cirignano, a baker and Angela Tafuri. Nicola actually made two trips to the States - the first on board the Cretic in 1913 from Naples to Boston, and the second on the President Wilson in 1923.  His father Gennaro made half a dozen crossings - one of which was the EMS in March of 1893.

Shortly after Nicola's petition was approved he brought over his wife, Angelina la Torella (born 1895 in Torre) and their two children - Mariangela and Ciriaco. They settled in Winchester MA and the 1930 census puts them at 106 Swanton Street.

Nicola died in Winchester on 17 May 1977.  Wife Angela died on 1 May 1991 - also in Winchester.


  1. Nicola Cirignano and Angelina (La Torella) Cirignano were my grandparents. We just lost the last of their four children -- Ciriaco Gennaro "Gerry". Uncle Gerry was much beloved by his 6 nieces and nephews, 11 great-nieces and nephews, and 5 great-great-nieces and nephews.
    My brother and I are amazed by the information on this site, some of which we had never heard before. We are so proud of our grandfather Nicola for the courage and fortitude he showed by emigrating to a foreign land in search of a better life for his children and grandchildren.

    Douglas Lee, son of Louise Angelina (Cirignano) Lee

    1. Douglas,

      Thank you for taking the time to read our blog and condolences on the loss of your Uncle Gerry. I share your pride for our ancestors ... they had such amazing strength.



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