
15 September 2010

The FBI Files of Caterina Vozella

Clamanzio Celestino Ardolino 1922

Those pesky mistranslations ... gotta love 'em.  Unfortunately this one couldn't have come at a worse time.  Caterina was still in the midst of grieving for her son and now she finds the FBI knocking at her door.

Caterina Vozella was the wife of noted sculptor Clamanzio Celestino Ardolino.  She was born on 21 August 1878 in Torre le Nocelle to Angelo Vozella and Giuseppa de Angelis. She and Celestino had eight children: Giovanna Maria (1895), Angelo Americo (1899), Giuseppa (1901), Arthur (1903), Elena (1905), Luisa (1909), Lydia (1911) and Clarence (1913).

The mishap in question revolved around their oldest son, Giovanni Maria.  Giovanni was drafted into the 142nd infantry of the Italian army and died in Montefalcone, Italy on 5 September 1917.  Photo below was pilfered from Florindo's site... grazie, Flo! 

Photo Copyright Florindo Cirignano

Report Made By:  Nils Janson
Place Where Made:  Boston, MA
Date When Made:  Oct 11, 1917
Period For Which Made:  Oct. 2, 1917

In re:  Caterina Ardolino - Cablegram.  (European War Matter)

At Milford, Mass:

Pursuant to instructions of Special Agent Kelleher, based on the following letter:

                                                  New York City

F.P. Schmid, Esq.                                               WMO-JFD
PO Box 3185                                                       Sept. 29, 1917
Boston, MA

Dear Sir: 

I beg to advise you that Lieut. Geo. S. Wheat, Naval Cable Censor, 64 Broad St., this city, requests that investigation be made of Caterina Ardolino, Milford, Mass., who recently addressed the following cablegram to Angelo Vozella, Torre Le Nocelle, Italy:

"Try to hide him in Torre."

This cablegram is regarded as suspicious by Lieut. Wheat and he is anxious to know the reason for the sending of same.

Please forward your reports in duplicate so that one copy may be available for Lieut. Wheat.

Very truly yours,
(Sd.) Wm. M. Offley
Division Superintendent."

Agent interviewed Caterina Ardolino, who stated that she ad sent a cablegram to Italy reading "Provate Seppelisto a Torre," which translated into English means "Try to bury him in Torre."  She stated to agent that her son - fighting in the Italian Army - had been killed and she wished, if possible, to have him buried in Torre Le Nocelle, Italy and sent the cablegram to that effect.

Agent corroborated her statement that her son had been killed by interviewing several of her neighbors. She is the wife of a contractor living at 115 . Main St. Milford, Mass.  Agent considers this investigation closed.

OG 66988

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog spot, web site. I see Giovanni Bonito born June 24 1896, here listed here as a soldier from Torresi. Do you have more information on his family tree? I'd love to learn more about my family.


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