
27 December 2010

Petition For Naturalization: Luigi Cefalo (1889)

Naturalization Index

Luigi Cefalo was born on 15 May 1899 in Torre le Nocelle to Carmine Cefalo and Maria Grazia Todesca.  He married Irene A. Sunberg (or possibly Sanberg) circa 1920 in Massachusetts.  They had at least on son - Louis Jr. born 1 October 1922 in Massachusetts.  

Between the years 1910 - 1930 Luigi was a gardener and chauffeur for a private families in the Boston area.  In 1930 he was the proprietor of an auto rental establishment, and by 1942 had become the owner of Stuart Garage on 595 Newbury Street in Boston (right near Fenway Park ...go Red Sox!)  He died in Sonoma, California on 28 August 1978.

Petition for Naturalization #7984
Filed: 28 February 1913 in Boston MA
Name: Luigi Cefalo
Residence: 21 Aberdeen St., Lynn MA corrected to 52 Newhall St., Lynn MA
Occupation: Chauffeur
Birth: 15 May 1889 in Torre le Nocelle, Italy
Emigration: Cretic - Napoli to New York - 18 March 1903
Declaration of Intention: Filed 30 June 1910 in Boston (#13735)
Marital: Single
Witness: Oscar F Johansen, tinsmith, Swampscott MA
Witness: James C Clooney, gardener, Swampscott MA
Date of Admission: 24 November 1913
Certificate #: 401880

Petition for Naturalization

1 comment:

  1. There are times when I wonder why I feel such a connection to these people, especially since they are my family by marriage. In this instance, I understand! Luigi died in my hometown, Sonoma, CA. I grew up there, went to school there, graduated from high school in 1966 there, and both of my parents are buried there. They are my family in every way that counts!


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