
18 December 2010

Petition For Naturalization: Pietro Carpenito (1894)

 Naturalization Index

I sure wish I knew who Pietro belonged to.  Unfortunately I'm clueless.  Well ... not completely.  All I can tell you is that he was the cousin of Antonio Bevilacqua (pedigree below)... or so say the 1920 and 1930 censuses.

Naturalization Petition #89587
Filed: 2 March 1927 in Boston, MA
Name: Peter Carpenito
Residence: 40 Fremont Street, Somerville, MA
Occupation: Painter
Birth: 27 July 1894 in Avellino, Italy
Emigration: Canopic - Napoli to Boston - 25 April 1912
Declaration of Intention: #148118 Filed 10 December 1923 in Boston
Witness: Antonio Drinkwater, store keeper, Somerville
Witness: John Flavin, wire worker, Somerville
Date of Admission: 6 June 1927
Certificate #: 2531039

Naturalization Petition

 Antonio Bevilacqua's Pedigree - his paternal line is from Torre and his maternal from Montemiletto.

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