
11 January 2011

Raffaele Capone's Trial

Boston Daily Globe
21 February 1884; p.5

"Raffael Capone's Trial
A Man Convicted of Murder Testifies Against A Man On Trial For Murder
(Special Dispatch to The Boston Globe)

Bangor, February 20. - The trial of Raffael Capone today has been of most dramatic interest.  The presence of Santore on the witness stand, when he himself has just been convicted of murder, could not but make the trial somewhat intense. 

He testified in substance that he was born in Monte Milletto, Italy; came from the same place in Italy that Capone came from; am 43 years old; saw both Capone and the murdered man, Pasqual Coscio, about 4 o'clock p.m. on September 7 last; all three went to walk together; went toward the fiver; met a  brother-in-law of Coscio; the latter named Bernardo, told witness that there was a letter in Bangor for him, and he started off alone; after going about a quarter of a mile heard Capone's whistle and stopped; waited for him to come up; at that time Coscio stayed behind talking with Bernardo; it was then that Capone told me about Coscia having money.

The cross-examination by Colonel Bradbury was most careful and exhaustive.  By repeated questions he succeeded in drawing from witness these statements: 

Left Italy in 1882; arrived in New York and stayed there until coming to Brewer last season; have a wife in Italy, knew Coscia ten years in Italy; was in jail in that country from 1860 to 1870, there was a revolution of the people of the village under Francis (II); they were in arms against Victor Emmanuel; (who) oath taken by the society of revolutionists, who were armed, was in substance that strange troops should be kept out; Garibaldi was coming to reign; in connection with others took human lives, but simply for defense; was charged with being a revolutionist, not a murderer. 

Witness showed evidences of great physical weakness, and when asked to tell the conversation that occurred after hearing Capone's whistle, he complained of headache.  Witness stated that his memory was better in the Police Court than now. 

This afternoon the prisoner was put on the witness stand.  He said that the murder was committed by Santore, and that he had nothing to do with it.  The trial will probably end tomorrow night. 

Santore, who has been convicted, is suffering great mental anguish.  Yesterday he in some way received an impression that he was to be hanged today.  He threw himself on the stone floor of his cell and laid there for hours, sobbing and groaning. 

This morning the interpreter, Bernardini, and Father O'Brien visited Santore's cell.  He was told that his execution would not take place for some months.  This seemed to make him feel easier, but still sad.  This morning, after being taken into court to testify against Capone, and while sitting in the prisoners' dock, he shed tears."
Those trouble-makers from Montemiletto ;-)  

More to follow ...

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