05 April 2021

1900 Torre le Nocelle Italy Marriage of Federico De Cristofaro and Luisella Vozella

Pedigree of Federico de Cristofaro

Pedigree of Luisella Vozella

#5 Filed 29 Marzo 1900

Groom: Federico de Cristofaro, 27, scalpellino

Birthplace: Torre le Nocelle

Residence: Torre le Nocelle

Parents: Carmine and Maria Grazia Vozella

Parents Residence: Torre le Nocelle

Bride: Luisella Vozella, 18, casalinga

Birthplace: Torre le Nocelle

Residence: Torre le Nocelle

Parents: Angelo and Giuseppa de Angelis

Parents Residence: Torre le Nocelle

Witness: Carmine Rotondi, 22, proprietario

Witness: Giovanni Garofano, 33, contadino

Sindaco: Beniamino Rotondi

The Unbreakable Rosary


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