23 July 2014

Kiss is Reward to Her Rescuer

Date: Tuesday, July 29, 1913 
Paper: Boston Journal (Boston, MA) 
Volume: LXXX, Issue: 26100, Page: 5 

Kiss is Reward to Her Rescuer
Mary Capone Never Before Kissed a Man, But Offered This One.

   I had never kissed a fellow in my life - and well, of course, I-I-I don't think it was wrong to kiss Mr. Roach. It was the only reward I could offer him. Well, any way, I would kiss him a thousand times if it ever occurred again.
   Pretty 18 year-old Mary Capone of the North End, when rescued from the water at Caledonian Grove yesterday by William Roach of 358 Hanover street defended herself against the fun-making of many of her girl friends.
   "This is the only reward I can offer you," Miss Capone told her rescuer after he pulled her out of the water. She offered her rosy lips to Mr. Roach which he accepted without comment, and then sat her down on the grass before the gaze of 300 picnickers who had gathered around.
   Miss Capone had been attracted by the beauty of a lily on the water's edge and as she reached to pluck the flower, she lost her balance and was immediately entangled in the grass.
   "The water was only five feet deep," she laughed, "but it seemed hours while I was struggling to get out. I am sure if Mr. Roach hadn't rescued me I would have died."
   The modest Mr. Roach saw nothing extraordinary in his act. All he would say was, "I was playing ball and heard the girl's screams. Anyone would have done the same, I'm sure.

At the moment, we have no idea which Mary Capone, born about 1895, that this could be.


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