
22 January 2011

Petition For Naturalization: Emidio Luongo (1886)

Emidio Luongo 1920 Passport Photo
Thanks to Joyce L. for sharing this photo with us.

Here's our Emidio Luongo again :-)  This time he's being naturalized.

Petition for Naturalization #43047
Filed: 1 August 1919 in Boston MA
Name: Emidio Luongo
Residence: 26 Hill St. Winchester MA
Occupation: Farmer
Birth: 17 January 1886 in Avellino, Italy
Emigration: Canopic - Napoli to Boston - 17 May 1910
Declaration of Intention: 32593 filed 13 May 1914 in Boston MA
Certificate of Arrival: 1500/1032593

Spouse: Carmela, age 24, born in Italy, resides in Winchester, MA
Children: (All born and reside in Winchester)
Regina, born 21 February 1914
Giovanni, born 14 November 1915
Giorgio, born 2 March 1917
Giulia, born 25 November 1918

Witness: James P. (McLane), farmer, Winchester MA
Witness: Jeremiah F. O'Connell, farmer, Winchester MA
Date of Admission: 1 March 1920
Certificate #: 1261839

Naturalization Index

Certificate of Arrival

Declaration of Intention

Petition for Naturalization

1 comment:

  1. I do recognise that proud nose. I have one just like it!


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